
The Film Society of St. Joseph University (FSofSJU) is a student-faculty collaboration which aims to bring the best of world cinema to the University community. By showcasing films of substantial intellectual, informative, aesthetic and popular value, FSofSJU aims to introduce viewers to new world of thought, to distant cultures and fragments of history. FSofSJU aims to inspire a culture of cinephilia in Dimapur, to enhance critical and academic engagement with the medium and promote young filmmakers within campus.


Love films? Join in… FSofSJU looks to host film screenings and academic discussions on all things filmy. Register with the Film Society to watch movies twice a month at the SJU campus for free.

Annual Membership Fees of Rs. 100 for Students and Rs. 300 for Faculty will be applicable.


The 400 Blows
Francois Truffaut | 99 min | 1959 | France
December 10 | 11 AM


Film Discussion
The 400 Blows
December 12 | 12.30 PM

  • Guess the Film…

    November 10, 2019 by

    Hey! Great to see you here… It’s always nice to meet someone who shares a love for movies! We would really love to have you along as we embark on our cinematic journey at SJU! So think you can guess the four movies in the poster? Give it a try…. Enter your details and your… Read more

  • Film Review: Children of Heaven (1997)

    November 10, 2019 by

    Children of Heaven | Majid Majidi | 89 min | Iran The film Children of Heaven, directed by the Iranian filmmaker Majid Majidi, is a wonderful story which revolves around a young boy’s adversities. It shows how Ali misplaces his sister Zohra’s shoes and hatches a complex plan to get her a new pair. In… Read more

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